Exactly Why Your Passive Income Isn’t Going Passive
So you worked really hard to build your method, and now that method is installed in a group program where you don’t have to run it personally anymore, it should be passive income now….right?
Problem is, the numbers are going lower and lower every time you launch it, and launching takes a lot of energy.
Is it you?
Do people only want the product live?
Is it not popular anymore?
Do you need to run it live again?
Now you have other products you want to work on, and need to be supported by the passive income. Are you ever going to be able to put this down?
If you’re new here, my name is Mami Onami and I have always hated how expensive business coaching is. I run an esoteric business school because a: it’s my destiny and b: I was sick of hiring two mentors, one for business and one for secret (spiritual) teachings. Faith without works is delusion, but works without faith means there’s no magic in what you’re doing. I always teach both, because you always need both. I use an ancient symbol called the Enneagram to fuse the worlds of faith and works. It’s not a personality test.
In this blog I’m going to outline the tools you didn’t know you needed to ensure your passive income can truly go passive.
You may be aware of a spiritual law, well known in esoteric schools, that states you cannot go to the next level spiritually without putting someone else on the level you’re at. This is the duplicating principle found in all living things in the Universe. In esoteric schools, or even cults, they always handed off the initiatory practices to trained teachers so the master could focus on the cutting edge. Today, we have the internet. From the beginning of time, the entire universe WANTS you to take your methods passive, so you can go higher on your journey. It’s not an issue with you or your product, it’s just an issue of tools. It’s as if you’ve been trying to paint a house with a hammer. You’re not a bad painter, and it’s not that the Universe doesn’t want you to paint your house, it’s that you have the wrong tool.
Whether you're killing it financially or unable to stabilize, the inability to separate your energy from the business energy and WALK AWAY is a problem.
Product launching creates financial stability. Launching always works if the product is good (we cover product development as well). Thing is, it's easy to get stuck in active launching and never be able to set it passive.
With launching, you can schedule income, and once you're a couple launches in, it's really just moving money around to get the results you want. For example if 100 warm people saw your product, and two of them bought, and you wanted ten people to buy your product, all you would need to do is make sure 500 warm people saw your ad. We talk about cold. warm, and hot audiences in my free eBook, and the art of lauching masterclass that comes along with it.
If you're brand new to launching, this is going to be THE vibe for the next 1-2 years as you collect data on what does and does not work for your various products. If you’re brand new to all of this, you would probably love my 0-40k spiritual business strategy on YouTube. The comments show the level of shock ;)
But if you're experienced with launching, you might be in the predicament that launching is the new cash injection that you rely on for your income. You don't know how to withdraw your energy from actively launching without reducing your income.
The point of setting income passive is to withdraw your energy from the business energy AND grow the income.
The only way you can do this is to create a system to surprise and delight your customer, passively, all the way from uninterested to SOLD!
This system is called a funnel, and it’s different than a launch. Funnels are how you keep a passive, evergreen product launch exciting for your customer, and constantly growing for you.
A funnel is a series of high quality lead magnets that take someone from uninterested to sold. These lead magnets are linked together by intentional, informative pieces of bite-sized content, like lead-nurturing marketing emails, social media posts, or community.
A good funnel educates someone on the pain they are in, gives them a vision for where they could go, and offers a strategic method for bridging the gap.
Building a funnel takes time and intention. Especially if you’re burned out on launching, you need to make this final push to do it correctly so it can work on your behalf.
Launching is killer, and a lot of fun (for me at least), but if you don't have marketing funnels you end up relying on another cash injection cycle that drains your energy.
No money > Big Launch > Lots of Money … but in between launches it's like, $200 days.
You need energy, time, and space to build your next level. Launching without funnels eats up all that time, energy, and space
Evergreen launching and funnels is slower growth, just like passive income, so less exciting than 40k paychecks *initially*, but as the evergreen funnels start working to preheat your customers, you start to see major compounded interest stacking up, and the best news is - you have free time.
Just like when you took your active income passive (and I will teach you all all all about active, passive, and neutral income in my ebook and Art of Launching masterclass. ) you had to decide that you were willing to kick the cash injection and focus on the slow, steady growth that requires less personal energy. It's the same when you're addicted to active launching, and I teach brand new and experienced businesses the same launching technique in Fuckless:
Let's develop a super seductive sales funnel that can be set to evergreen, so you can do a really big, perfect launch that hits every target. Now that it’s built and optimized, we can have it run for you over and over again without your energy in it.
Let’s use SEO informed, guaranteed-to-work content prompts, and lets align it to YOUR unique human design so we can find what works for your unique self. When it’s tailored to you specifically, it’s easy. Easy is right.
As a professional initiator, I don't really see the point in having a beginners class and an advanced class. I don't think people should have to go through an embarrassing phase if they're paying me to avoid that. I felt the same when I taught yoga. None of these postures require an excess of muscular strength, or an "advanced" student. It's just intentional stacking. You don't need to be strong to arm balance, and you don't need to flexible. You just need someone to really show you how to get your knee high up on your shoulder, which you definitely can do.
So whether you're new to launching, or true to launching, we're going to make it simple and offload-able for you from the beginning.
Beginners need a core offer that's missing no pieces, and advanced teachers need to know their work is missing no pieces so they can actually leave it behind. For both students, we’re refining the METHOD.
Beginners need high value, magnetic content that is true to their design, and so do advanced teachers…
Beginners need to begin building funnels, and advanced teachers need to implement funnels.
Beginners and advanced teachers need SEO, legit customer avatars, lead magnets, and evergreen content. Period.
If any of what I said here clicks for you, do not miss my double-edged, high-octane manual for authentic marketing. It’s free, it’s solid fucking gold, and it comes with an invite to the Art of Launching Masterclass.
Want to buy the paperback book? Here it is!
Looking for QA and the Audiobook? It's here
And that’s how you make passive income truly passive, so you can go onto your next level.