Are you ready to clear all the blockages to wealth, love, and happiness that you picked up in your childhood? Would you like to be able to accurately diagnose and heal any psychological problem you or your clients might experience? It’s much easier and faster than you think.
Since 2017 I have helped over 1000 people clear all their childhood trauma, privately, in just ten weeks. Most of the graduates chose to make a career from what they were certified to teach here.
FREE 30 Page EBook
FREE audiobook
Invite to FREE masterclass
"Wheels Reinvented was exactly what I needed to pull myself out of my own shit and feel good about shining in the world.”
The method is simple
Understand what core traumas are, and why they’re the only ones we need to clear.
Understand what the chakras are, and how they work as a roadmap for finding conscious and unconscious blocks.
Learn the constellation of symptoms associated with each chakra, and how to heal them at the root.
Learn multiple healing modalities through demonstration and education including: Trauma Repair, Vedic Completion Process, Inquiry, EFT Tapping, Grief Recovery, Written Trauma Processing, Gestalt Therapy, and Akashic Records or Past Life Regression.
Heal yourself first, share it with others, and learn how to monetize the skill.
"Wheels Reinvented was 10000% more effective than therapy. I can now heal myself and help others.”

“Doing Wheels was a gift for myself and my future, as well as teaching me tools that I can use to help others as well. I’m so glad I took this course and went on this journey. Now, when I get in a slump I have the tools to help myself out and I also have a practical way that I can help others on into the future.”
Only $899
payment plan available $300 x 3
This is for the person who no longer wants to feel like their past is dictating their future.
“Wheels Reinvented was by far the best and most important investment I've made in myself. I didn't start Wheels with the intention of becoming a teacher, but it's opened up an entire new world of possibilities for my life that I simply didn't think were available to me.
I am so beyond grateful to Onami for creating this course, and I cannot imagine where I would be had I not enrolled. I have learned so much about myself in this time, made life long connections with amazing women, but most importantly I've gained practical and essential knowledge about trauma and how to heal it. I am now equipped with a toolkit that I can use to easily diagnose and decipher what it going on in my mind and body, rather than spending hours in chaotic spirals.
This is one of the most thorough and practical courses when it comes to hands on work too. Being able to share and learn with others in such an interactive way is a rare find, especially in the digital age.
I honestly cannot put into words how amazing this experience was, and if you are considering enrolling even in the slightest I encourage you to take this as a sign. I promise you will not regret it.”
This is for you if
You had a fucked up childhood, and you’re willing to admit that. Even if you didn’t grow up as a Syrian refugee, you can admit that you have childhood patterning you want to heal from.
You want to help others heal in some way. You are looking to upgrade your services and offerings so you can be very confident in your upgraded pricing, and competent to boot.
You want to guarantee you are not projecting your shit onto your clients, you want to know that you are working with an objective method, and that you are equipped to handle any psychological issue your clients come to you with.
You really don’t want to be stuck talking about your childhood forever. You want to get this over with and not join the cult of the inner child.
You want to create a tremendous impact in the world, and grow financially as a result of that.
You want to be able to love and be loved freely, with no barriers to receiving love or money for your greatness.
You want to heal quickly and privately.
you are determined to heal yourself and claim what you deserve in life….
This workshop will remove every psychological block to receiving more love, more money, and more time to enjoy the two.

“Wheels Reinvented was life changing. If you invest in anything, it should be this course.”
You will get:
Ten full modules explaining each root trauma. What it is, how it’s formed, the problems it creates, and a unique trauma clearing process specifically FOR that. The chapter is available via audiobook (read to you by me personally) or text, and averages about 40 minutes.
LIVE call every week where we demonstrate the process to live case studies, so you can see that it really does work like it says and feel confident teaching it to others.
You will learn:
Classic Vedic Trauma Repair, what we call a “Cadillac” process which is unique to me, Inquiry, EFT, Grief Recovery Method, Written Method, Gestalt Therapy, and Akashic Records aka Past Life Regression
Optional dance classes, yoga, breathwork, and weight work specific to each chakra.
Access to our private app.
Graduation badge to put on your website
All for just $899
payment plan available $300 x 3
class schedule
6 : AJNA
8 : AURA (bonus replay)
9 : KUNDALINI AWAKENING (bonus replay)
10: GO FORTH AND CONQUER (bonus replay)