The Seven Core Childhood Traumas and How To Heal Them.

Healing trauma is easier and quicker than talking about it, if you know where to look. Educate yourself quickly and effectively, so you can heal yourself without spending the rest of your life traumatizing your therapist.

All psychological distress can be traced down to seven core issues, or the seven blocks of the chakras. Mental health in 2024 seems to be this fresh new territory, thanks to the recent discovery of medications and psychoanalysis tools. However, all forms of mental disease have been treated effectively using ancient tools for thousands of years. This straightforward, uncomplicated approach allows you to process your trauma like a to-do list, instead of wandering in and out of therapists offices, infinitely, looking for an ending to emotional suffering that no one else has found in that setting.

These seven core issues are fear (the root chakra), shame (the second chakra), anxiety (the solar plexus) , grief (the heart chakra), jealousy (the throat chakra), the fear of insanity (the third eye) and hopelessness (the crown chakra). I have been teaching the ancient methods for dissolving these traumas since 2016, and offer live demonstrations of the work. For further reading, please see my free book and masterclass.

The process is straightforward:
Fully identify the block, trace it down to the root, and heal it once we're down there.

Where I like to go in and work with surgical precision is fully and completely identifying what the block is, as well as connecting the constellation of other issues that a lot of people might not see as being connected. 

I like to offer people a wide toolkit of trauma repair and coaching skills that they can use on themselves and others, and I find that each trauma has a specific modality that works especially well with it.

For fear and guilt, the block of the root, I like to use the classic Vedic trauma repair method outlined in the Rg Veda. This is the quickest trauma repair and most suitable to use with a group, or use in book form. Very simple, the hardest part of facilitating this type of trauma repair is staying hands-off. 

For shame it's best to elaborate on that same repair mentioned above, but with a complete rewrite of the memory. Shame is a persistent bleeding wound, and when you stitch it up you want to make sure it's completely clean and sutured. This is the process most people come to me for, and we affectionately refer to it as the Cadillac process, which is named for the Cadillac margarita aka classic margarita with a lot of extra flair.  This review I got over the weekend is a result of that process, and is a very common response. Removing shame requires lifestyle changes and simple aftercare is important.

For anxiety, or the block of the Manipura chakra, it's essential to know a quick and confrontational trauma repair. We use inquiry, which is an ancient method from the Diamond Sutra, originally translated in 401 BC. Anixety provides a constant stream of invasive thoughts, and instantly forgets the answer, so having a diamond-hard, incisive line of questioning is key for REMEMBERING that just because you imagined it doesn't make it real. 

For the heart, grief recovery is the original and best. It took me four years to compress the clinical method into something that can be facilitated in less than 30 minutes, and this is a work I always offer free to the public. Building on that, for people who suffer extreme depression or have survived impossible situations, revisiting the first time they ever felt the memory is not sufficient for healing, as this can trigger a deeper depression. Additionally, some clients are prone to hysteria at this chakra.  For all of these, we use EFT tapping, which is also used on survivors of natural disasters. I love it, because it's the complete opposite of a positive mental attitude, and it works.

For the throat, a written process is particularly effective. I also enjoy this for books, and the process makes it into just about every book. However, I always add an additional written piece educating my clients on the mechanics of jealousy. It's not a trauma repair, per se, but it helps them to see the direct connection between the person they judge and the things they want. It's extremely effective.

For the third eye, Gestalt therapy is my personal favorite. Once you've laid the foundational work, you can really open this door to invite teachers from all times and dimensions. You have to be able to embrace your "crazy" to be able to do this, which is only possible on an open heart.

Finally, for the opening, or crown chakra, we can have a bit of fun. Past life regressions, or Akashic records are most useful here. A surprising percentage of graduates choose to focus on this particular modality after they've completed their training. As a rule, I teach this one just for fun. I feel like humans have enough problems in this lifetime without becoming concerned with generational or multi-life trauma. However, this part is just fun, so I always throw it in there as a bonus. 

I teach you how to do each one of these methods on yourself and others in this training. I was always very insistent that if I was going to this for myself, I was going to do it for humanity, and as a result I've become very insistent that everyone that learns this method, takes an additional five minutes per chakra to learn how to offer the same service to others.

Once you've seen the pain you carry and how easy it is to move it, you'll never unsee it in others. It's a wonderful gift to be able to give to anyone you choose to.

Can't wait to see you for our live demonstration on Wednesday the 27th at 11AM EST.  I have absolutely no idea who is showing up, or which one of these processes we'll use!

I send out the replay the following day, so you can expect it on the 28th if you're unable to attend. 

Hope you listened to the first chapter so you can be well educated for that! The audio is here on Spotify & Apple, and you can get the Google Doc here.


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