Why Successful Entrepreneurs Work Out

Your workout ethic and your work ethic mirror one another.

Amateur entrepreneurs have notoriously poor health, whereas accomplished entrepreneurs have notoriously good health, and almost singlehandedly keep the biohacking industry alive.

I was explaining this to a private client the other day. The correlation between semen retention (the symbolic death of instant gratification) and high performance in the market. It's as if high performing entrepreneurs are always looking for new ways to delay gratification, and increase effort. Whether it's cryotherapy, dark retreats, fasting,  they're doing it IN ADDITION TO all the other loads they shoulder.

Low performing entrepreneurs are usually "too busy" to do any kind of self care. The chronic lack of boundaries has eroded any sense of pleasure, and every single moment of every single day is "work" in some way. "Vacations" are truly comical, they end up working more, usually. Unconsciously, everything here is motivated by instant gratification. Instant payouts. Instant pleasure putting the product in someone's hand and hearing "wOw YoU mADe THis yOu MuST bE an AcTuAL BuSINess PeRSoN" .

In a recent video for Autoerotic, and Erotic Wealth, our sex magic workshops for couples and singles, on "when only one partner is growing", we described the three levels of business and how the whole first level of business is unconsciously trying to impress your parents and the 13 year old version of yourself simultaneously.

Higher levels of business require a completely different skill set. It's a completely different focus. You don't care at all about how people perceive you. It doesn't require charm. It's all about systems, teams, and operations. It's behind-the-scenes work.

Anyways, my husband and I started a 40 day commitment of working out TOGETHER every single day for 40 days. It was part of our super efforts for point eight in Erotic Wealth. It was also raising the bar for our workouts, as we usually work out separately.  We have kids and no nanny, so it's difficult to get that slice of time.

This super effort is also us preparing to launch our signature wealth workshop on January 1st, and determining our level of involvement in this only-once-per-year event. Last year we taught workouts/meditation every day for 40 days.

Yesterday I suggested we delegate the workout, which is us doing a YouTube class instead of taking turns teaching. We were already doing this once a week on abs day with a Blogilates class, and I found that I worked 75% harder when someone else was teaching. I usually do one plank and call that abs. This is 30 minutes straight of hitting abs from every angle. It's so fun to not think about a workout before doing it at all, which was the real takeaway from last time regarding the parallel ethics of work and working out.

"Don't think about work. Don't think about working out. You're only thinking yourself out of it. Mental preparation is a ruse. Show up when it's work time, and do the work."  

It's also fun to have a teacher bossing us around, where we can be mad at the teacher together instead of mad at each other.

So yesterday we did a lower body workout and OH MY GOD. I'm waddling up and down the stairs today. Again, we worked 75% harder than we would have alone. We were STRUGGLING, but we did it. Somewhere between the weighted squat pulses and the tiptoe squat hold, I had a revelation that changed my life. I was too out of breath to share, but as we lay splat on the ground, fragrant with sweat ( I absolutely LIVE for the stink of sweat. YUM) , I sputtered"

"Holy Shit - our comfort zone is everywhere. Our comfort zone is everywhere!"

We were acting like it was a big deal to show up and workout every day, but actually it's only a big deal to show up and work out HARD every day.

We were acting like it was a big deal to show up and work every day in the business, but actually it's only a big deal to show up and work strategically.

When I realized I was never pushing myself hard enough in workouts, it just made sense to get someone who actually does that for a living to push me into new territory. The same was true in my business! I spent two years being cheap and  flopping around in a puddle of my own creativity until I hired a very expensive (120k) coach to pick me up by the heel and toss me into the ocean of the big league. I had to pay a LOT of money to hear from him "this is not a $3m business. You're not doing the right moves." .

I realized on the mat, legs shaking, that I can never push myself out of my own comfort zone, because I'm too comfortable in it to see clearly. It doesn't matter what I think I "should" be. This is my reality. 
The only time I've ever been able to push myself out of my own comfort zone is when I've made such a disgusting mess out of the situation, with constantly declining income months, while being proud of myself for still showing up to work, even if none of that work seems to be getting me the results that I want.

I made a commitment to myself and my husband right there on the mat.

The second I'm proud of myself and comfortable with how hard I'm working, and where I'm going, I'm hiring a coach. I never want to live in the flaccid ass comfort zone. I want to be throbbing, veined, and rock hard. I don't want to be in a "hmmm" state of pussy where I could kind of go for a fuck, and kind of not. I want to be in a UH HUH state of pussy, dripping wet, writhing, and begging for MORE HARD THINGS.

I want to LIVE like pussy, taking a beating and loving it. I took a beating on the mat and loved it.

I don't want to live like "I hope nothing crazy happens", I want to live like this rap song, I FUCKING HOPE CRAZY HAPPENS because I will go so fucking hard. Hell no I don't need security. I wish trouble WOULD come. 

I want to live this way, and I know myself well enough by now that whenever I'm teaching myself, I get comfortable in being comfortable. So now it just has to be a rule. When I'm comfers cozers, I'm hiring a fucking coach. It's not like I've never made my money back in the first month!
I have one private coaching space left for 2023 , and it's 15k - apply and learn more about that here

But I have three private school spaces available for 2k. This looks like doing my workshops in an order we tailor to you, and you checking in with me on Fridays.
There's a no risk, 14 day trial to get you started on this, and you can get more details here

Let's bring it to you: Are you new here? hit reply and fill in your answers. ACT, don't procrastinate!

What massive goal have you been trying to lift off?

What medium sized goal have you been trying to lift off?

What totally stupid, small goal have you been trying to lift off (and it's still grounded)?

What were the conditions when you got huge results last time?

Are those conditions replicable? 

Could you make those conditions your new standards?

How do you know when it's time to raise the standards? 

Is that time now?


The Three Stages of Scaling a Business: How to Leave the Hamster Wheel Behind


Conservancy: The Grown Up Version of Scarcity Mindset