Conservancy: The Grown Up Version of Scarcity Mindset

Money conservancy is scarcity, and there ain't no two ways about it. 

Money is a tool for experiences. It's not for hoarding, or saving. It's for deployment. You decide on the experiences you want, do the appropriate work, and then DEPLOY THE CASH to get the experiences.  

we fly first class exclusively. My kids have never been on an economy flight. They don't know that most people aren't offered non stop snacks, or invited to see the cockpit, or that you can't play on the floor of the plane because not every row is the front row. 

We stay in dope ass places exclusively. We don't care what the Air B and B costs, how weird the cleaning fee is. We don't care. If that's where we want to stay, that's where we're going. 

We also don't care about buying a house right now. When it's time to buy a house it will fall in our lap. We're generators. When there's a house to respond to, we'll do it. In the meantime, we're traveling as a quad and it is nice. 

If you're like "must be nice.." - it IS nice. Our life is nice as fuck.

But I'm soul-made, no viral posts, not a lot of press, and no one coming to save me.

 I can tell you from experience that money doesn't rack up when you're focused on the numbers, because the numbers don't mean anything. You could make $3m+ a year and have a lifestyle like someone who works on a production line. Shit, Elon Musk sleeps in the Twitter office. GROSS. That is not leadership. 

The key is to get crazy clear about the experience you want to have, while really honoring the distance between where you are and where you want to be. For example, deeply craving and wanting first class travel while accepting that you can't take more than 48 hours off or afford a domestic economy ticket.  The craving combination of wanting MORE money and MORE time will show you a highly limited path to getting that, and highly limited is what we want. If there's only one road to where you want to go, then you just keep going straight on that road.


There are MANY roads to mediocrity, you could spend forever deciding which shade of grey you're going to live in. But there is usually only ONE path to greatness, for you, and its a craggy, steep, challenging path.


The only people you fuck with for real, are the ones who take craggy, steep, and challenging paths. These are the only people who actually DO things in life besides go to work. They have experiences, they're interesting, they have shit to write about. They don't complain, and they don't get offended if you bail on plans with them. 


A lot of times, and I've been guilty AF of this during 2021/22 is becoming obsessed with the amount vs. obsessed with the experience. For example, being obsessed with the amount I'm sure I'll need for the down payment on a dream house I haven't even seen online or irl yet, instead of being obsessed with "ocean view office ASAP." . When we do this we go into conservancy mode, which is scarcity, bottom line. 


We reduce our quality of life because "we're saving up" and we stop attracting higher quality experiences to ourselves. We decline experience after experience because we believe "first I have to get a house, and THEN I'll travel" , or "first I have to finish this year at my job and THEN I'll start my own thing." 


There will always be SOMETHING to stall the experiences life is trying to give you. When it's not money, it's time. "when the kids are older", "when I meet my soul mate". Just do it now, you'll meet your soul mate on the way. Do it now, you'll find out how rad your kids are on the way.


Financially bound?

First of all, are you really?

Or are you resistant to going into savings or debt? 


Just making sure.


If you're for-real financially bound, it's time to make your vision board, accept where you are, and start working towards the goal. I didn't "figure any of this out" . When I did try to figure it out, it took much longer.  I accepted what I didn't know, and hired mentors in the form of coaches (I've hired four *actual* coaches, plus tons of EFT, psychics, mediums etc. Price $7k-$120k)  online workshops (over 50, I've paid anywhere from $200 to $10k), audiobooks (, anything by Jim Collins), books ( currently on a Dion Fortune binge. This is the best way to learn, most people are just straight up too lazy or distracted to tap that), and *very* occasionally podcasts. 

It also might just be time to get over the scrimp factor, and make some more money.

There's four ways to do this with me:

$33, absolute beginners can do Breaking Broke. This doesn't create wealth it just removes blocks you have. Most people on this list are way past this.  If you can't afford this, you need to accept that you have absolutely dire money issues that will not change if you do not change them. You have to take drastic, crazy action. Repeatedly and for a long ass time. You are in the absolute rock bottom category. don't make it worse by doing nothing. 

$444 , you can do Waking Wealth. Won't give you a business plan for build or scale, but will move your existing plan right along. 

$1500 - Autoerotic Wealth. This will build and or scale your business, as well as teach you quantum leaping SYSTEMATICALLY.  You will make more money, and learn how to build or scale a business that won't embarrass you. If you have a life partner, Erotic Wealth is $2500 for the pair of you

$10k - 1:1 coaching with me. It's 10k and the spot might already be filled by this time. 


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