The Fourth Dimension: How to Use Time to Awaken Permanently

At the moment I'm sitting at my bar, having a good hot cup of coffee, and writing to you, even though that has nothing to do with my deadline today.


Because I want to, and I trust in space.

The annual affiliate call is the biggest deal for me as a business owner, because it's like an early version of the annual meeting. I have to have the entire game plan for what is launching next year, and on what schedule. When I commit to something, I commit to it, and I try not to commit to anything so that I don't break my promises to myself. So planning out an entire year of my life, while on brand for the Capricorn, is something I take really seriously.

I had plenty of time to assess this deadline, but what it was going to require was plenty of space.

Time and space together, compile the fourth dimension. To me, and anyone that's been following me knows this, the fourth dimension is the most important thing for any dedicated seeker to study. All spirituality is fifth dimensional technology, and if you don't understand how the foundation of the fourth dimension works ("Time isn't linear" is NOT understanding. Nor is it "an illusion").

When we work with the law of three, like you learned how to do in my book Nine Lines, you learn to always consider the third force. The third force is ALWAYS related to time and space.

For example, a sperm is first force, active. An egg is passive, second force. Third force is womb. The correct womb is required for a baby, and the lining of this womb sheds monthly until the perfect layer for gestation is revealed. You can't shed a uterine lining, can't scrape it, can't force the TIME for this SPACE to come faster.  No matter how many sperm and eggs you have, if it's not the right time, it won't be the right place. You may even form the body, but the soul will not enter at 120 days and a miscarriage will occur.

As you progress deeper into the mystery schools. a curious notion starts to appear.

God is time. God is space.

This puts a lot of other practices, pranayama for example, into perspective.

Your life is measured by breaths, your personal unit of time. When you lengthen your breath, you lengthen your time. It's even possible to calculate your size and power in relation to the Absolute's size and power.
*see chart below*

as they say:
"Brahman (protocosmos) breathes in and out the Universe"

When you breathe, you increase the space in your body. When you deepen your breath, you deepen your space. Time and space come together, as a set. Time and space together, for a human, is GOD. 

When you breathe deeply, you take in God. Anyone who has practiced meditation, or pranayama can attest to this. 

One of my favorite meditation cues, from Sri Ramana Maharshi describes the classic four part breathing method that was my first practice, lasting a couple of years.

Breathe in, God enters you.
Hold the inhale, God is with you.
Exhale, you approach God
Hold empty, surrender to God.

This concept of honoring and respecting the fourth dimension time and space is so much deeper, more tactile, and clearer than saying it's an illusion, or its empty, or it's NOT linear. It's truly the advanced teaching. 

So the whole purpose of a teacher that initiates (me) is to tell you how these concepts work in contemporary life. It will always be information until someone teaches you how it's lived. So how does this relay to me ignoring my deadline?

Any work I do without taking space is work I have to re-do. I wanted to sit down and blast through the to-do list with plenty of time to spare, but when I sat down to do so, I started drafting an economically sensible plan of action that involved a monthly launch. But as I started to plod through the questionable feeling in my heart, running numbers and satisfying my ambitious brain, the words stopped coming. The clarity fogged. I was two weeks ahead of my deadline, but I needed space, and a LOT of talk therapy with my husband.

So I ceased all production. I refused to think about the affiliate program. When it crossed my mind, I pushed it out and asked for help from God.
I didn't open my laptop, choosing instead to take walks with my daughter, runs with my son, drive 40 minutes to eat at a farm to table, workout with my husband, deep clean my house,  and dream of the business school for kids I plan on opening this summer. I talked with my husband over coffee every morning. 

As I took space, the idea of my sales-first launch schedule receded into the basement of unimportance, and the experience I wanted my students in Safehouse started to surface.

As I took space, the realization that I would have to upgrade the Q&A options over the course of a year, with a plan to have a fully working Wiki replacing me within one year started to surface.

Even the "unspiritual" time spent watching 5 seasons of Yellowstone came to my aid, as the cattle term "overgrazing", and how to avoid it, became a critical theme of the upcoming year.

I use this term "starting to surface" because it really is consciousness rising to the top from the depths of the unconscious mind. The space allows my destiny to circumvent my plans, and the realization of who I am and what I am here to do overrides what I think I should be and what I think she should be paid.

The final result was being here, 24 hours before deadline, with a business plan that hardly made any head-sense at all, but that made ALL the sense in my heart.

The idea was simmering at the surface on Friday, three days before my deadline, but I made a commitment to taking space on the weekend. The successful version of me doesn't trade in pleasure for progress, and the mother in me has been trained to remember that my family teaches me how to work better on less time.

I spent the weekend watching 1923, reading Steve Jobs, and doing restorative yoga with my husband. Now it's Monday, 24 hours before deadline and I'm unafraid.

Why? Because when I spend time with GOD. When I spend TIME in SPACE, God comes for me when it's go time. I don't have to rush off this morning, I don't have to crack the whip on my husband to leave me alone so I can work this morning. I know that when my daughter goes down for a nap, and even if she doesn't, that I'll sit down and listen to my mantra, and two weeks worth of work will flow through me in a matter of hours. 

How do I know this? I've been a mom in business too many times, seeing this in action, to pretend like it doesn't work.

When I realized I had to support my family and the only economically viable time I could sell was at naptime, I devoted the other 80% of my day to space. To letting God work through me until it was time to work.

If you are launching an aligned business, either through my workshop Autoerotic Wealth or otherwise, the same will be true for you. 80% is listening and learning, 20% is doing. 

I'll spend the rest of my morning doing yoga with my husband, and letting my husband finalize the contract on the house we're buying.

I close this on an article I read in Playboy when I was really young.

Van Halen was the first arena-rock band, and they had a lot of difficulty hiring a tour manager. Not only was it difficult to make sure each and every venue was safe enough to handle the volume, thus the infamous "blue m&m" clause in their rider, but it was also really difficult to manage the hard-partying band.

They finally found a manager that got it, and kept him for many years. When asked what his trick was he said (paraphrasing) "I trust in Van Halen's ability to be Van Halen. It doesn't matter how late they stayed up, what jail cell they're spending the night in, playing shows is what they do, and I trust in their ability to do what they do. I focus on what's my job, and give them the SPACE to do their job. I trust that when it's go time, they'll do what they do best."

that little article changed my life. 

I trust in my ability to channel at go time, with little to no preparation. I trust that I can spend most of my time plugged in, and creatively explode, defying all previous records, when it's time to go.

Like they say in A Course in Miracles, "I wait in quiet certainty that I will do what is given me to do."

and that's just how we do it around here.

Let's make this practical for you: are you new here? Hit reply and answer the questions.

What big project are you trying to lift off?

What do you need to do that you know how to do?

What do you need to do that you don't know how to do?

What do you NOT know to do, and need to be divinely shown what that is?

What's the priority?

A.) Getting the game plan?
B.) Learning what you need to execute on the game plan?
C.) executing on what you know to do to achieve the game plan?

Which of the following three states of flow does your priority require: 

A.) neutral time, to be revealed things?
B.) passive time, to learn things?
C.) active time, to do things?

love you.

the affiliate call is tomorrow, and is exclusive to graduates of the program they're promoting. If you have taken Waking Wealth, and would like a link to the call, please respond to this email with your receipt, and we'll get you your link for tomorrow at 1pm, replay available.


Conservancy: The Grown Up Version of Scarcity Mindset