If money is not flowing in your life, you lack strategy, or your income has hit a plateau
this workshop is for you.

Money is really easy to understand. If it’s flowing, you don’t have a block. If it’s not flowing, you do have a block. We move the block, and the money starts to flow.
Moving money blocks is not a magical process, it’s a strategic process. We can remove all the blocks you want, but if you have no financial inroads, money will go to someone who has taken measures to make sure it can get to them.
Money is inherently submissive. When you aren’t facing the economic reality of your life and your business plan, you are submitting to money and that’s why it avoids you. Money wants a dominant owner. This means you need a fearless strategy that makes economic sense, discipline, and a zero tolerance policy for money-leaking behaviors or taking shit.
You likely have none of the above, because no one has ever showed you what it looks like to be dominant, disciplined, and strategic about money. That ends here.
Aren’t you sick of setting financial goals and never reaching them?
Aren’t you sick of being unstable?
Aren’t you sick of having desires and knowing there’s no way you could have them with the current financial setup?
But are you fed up enough to do the work required to change?

You’ve been doing a whole lot of work, but none of it has created actual financial change. You lack information, motivation, vison and a strategy to exectute on the vision.
Ritual focuses in these three main areas:
1 - Education
It’s time for you to get smart about money, and learn about the money draining behaviors you thought were really good habits.
2 - Discipline
You need to know what it feels like to show up, and keep showing up until you’ve pushed your project all the way through to the finish line. You need to know what it feels like to face adversity and not quit, over and over again. You need to change your relationship to “hard”, because when you crave “hard”, life will never threaten your power again.
3 - Strategy
The amount of people hopefully chasing a vision they’ve never calculated the cost of is baffling. You’re quitting your 80k/year job to sell a $20 book no one asked for to the 100 people in your audience? You’re selling handmade essential oils on Etsy that cost more to make than you charge for them? No. Absolutely no.

“In the garden of gentle sanity, may you be bombarded by the coconuts of wakefulness.”
- Chogyam Trungpa
Expect to be bombarded by coconuts. This is not an optimism course.
This is a strategic course, and you need it.

Ritual is a 40 day bender that detoxes the poverty mindset, installs the wealth mindset, and trains you how to change your behavior to match the new mindset.
We take a fearless inventory of your financial state of affairs, ruthlessly facing head-on the money topics, conversations, and assessments you’ve been avoiding your whole life. We look into the deepest money patterns, reaching all the way back into your childhood. We use magic and strategy alongside each other to craft the vision for your financial future, and guarantee your ability to execute on it.
The Ritual is 40 days straight, 30 minutes a day. You can’t skip a day.
If you’re lucky enough to do this with us as a group on 1/1 of every year, that’s 40 days of live classes with us, 11EST daily. 95% of our students start with this course.
Every day there is a 3-5 minute money lesson, with homework.
Every day there is a 20 minute active meditation, the Jupiter Kriya, which can be dialed up to a workout, or scaled back to an audio meditation that you listen to, based on your energy levels for that day. The purpose of this meditation is to take the daily money lesson out of the head and into the body. The purpose of this meditation is to not just to change how you’re thinking, but to transform who you’re being.
One third of the way in, we bring in a 21-day Self Hypnosis practice.
You will write your own script for this, downloading into your mind what your practice shows you that you need. It is baked into the coursework, and doesn’t require additional time.
There will be sweat. There will be tears.
You will squirm and whine and do it anyways. There will be results.
Come to our FREE
Sacred Success Masterclass
Every day for forty days at 11AM EST you’ll get a fresh, LIVE 20 minute meditation (if you’re doing this with us 1/1/2025 only)
Every day, on our private app, you will get one short financial lesson to absorb and take with you throughout the day. We encourage you to make sure the work is not just given, but received and sprouted by chatting with us about the lesson in our chat. Want Weekly Q&A and Homework Checks? Try Safehouse Private School. There are clear prompts for every single lesson, and even drafting one sentence about what you learned anchors it into your mind for good. Our app is a safe and private space. Use any name you want. If you delete your account when you’re done, every post you made in our community will be deleted as well. Your secrets are safe, that’s why we built an app, and called it Safehouse.
Within One Day
The reason why you haven’t been making money will be VERY clear.
Within One Week
You will know what the problem is and how to move forward with it.
If you came in without a vision, it will have sprouted by this point.
Within Two Weeks
It will seem very strange that you and everyone you know have settled for so little for so long. The idea of undervaluing yourself again will nauseate you.
Any money held in energetic escrow will have been released.
You have unraveled beliefs and patterning with money that reached all the way back into your childhood.
Within Four Weeks
The strategic business plan starts to come through, which is the real meal ticket. Other people start to comment on the difference with you. You will feel so good you’ll want to quit because you think you’re peaking, you’re not yet, and DO NOT QUIT.
By the Sixth Week
You are the proud owner of a wealth mindset, and SO ready to get to work. You do NOT want a break! You spot the poverty mindset everywhere. You’ve outgrown relationships. You know what you’re doing next and you know exactly how you’ll keep the momentum going. You never want to take a break from working your money mindset again. You know what your year is going to look like strategically, and you are chomping at the bit to get going.

Shut the fuck up and do it scared.
It’s a magical process, so results are guaranteed if you do the work. The problem with the poverty mindset is that one week in you’ll get all panicked because you invested in yourself and you don’t think you’re worth it and you’re not used to discipline. You’ll try to quit because you don’t understand that this shift will be responsible for making you hundreds of thousands of dollars in your lifetime. Do it or don’t do it, but scared money doesn’t win, and we aren’t enabling your low self worth here. No refunds. This is wealth work, not the home shopping network.
You sure can. Even the kriya can be done as a meditation (I’ve done this in many a vehicle), and if you visualize correctly, it will be extremely challenging and you’ll sweat. If you have a physical condition, or you’re having a low energy pregnancy, you can substitute your workout for any other practice. The human design eating recommendations are safe and unique to each person, and can be particularly beneficial with nausea and heartburn in pregnancy. For the 2025 round I’m eight and nine months pregnant, so I’ll def be demonstrating the easy version.
Jupiter Kriya is partially modified Kundalini yoga, and partially modified Tantra yoga. Since 2016, I have been actively stealing this from Yogi Bhajan AND Osho, two very controversial teachers. Here’s what you have to know about big-ass-scandalous teachers. They became BIG ASS SCANDALOUS teachers because they were teaching things that WORKED. Kundalini yoga works not because it’s magic, but because when you act out the laws of the Universe with your body, you get those powers. Tantra yoga works because when you release your preferences, more than you could have desired comes to you. I AM PROUD TO BE A LITTLE KUNDALINI THIEF! We can steal what works without having to worship a teacher, but also, we can steal what works without having to dump a teacher because they have dirt.