The mindset that got you to where you are today, is keeping you where you are today.

Over the years, your mind has taken in and indulged all kinds of thinking patterns and worldviews that are rooted in low self worth and the inability to truly see yourself as a wealthy person, and think from that place. 

Because of the limited mind that’s calling the shots, you’re constantly cheapening yourself and being underpaid. You seek out situations that reinforce your low self worth, agreeing to jobs you never liked. Your marketing is desperate. You gain money, and gain proportionate expenses, always staying at the same financial level no matter how many times you raise your income. You free up time, and immediately fill it with events that feed the patterns you wanted to break. You lack direction, which is frustrating because you’re plenty busy, it just doesn’t seem to be getting you where you want to go. You lack a solid vision, so simple decisions necessary for consistent growth are unusually hard to make.

Money loves discipline, organization, and a plan.

Money loves very clear messaging and despises mixed signals. If you’ve never specifically trained yourself on any of these things, the quality of your life is clearly displaying this.

You’ve been programmed to think at a lower financial level than you deserve, and now you need to reprogram yourself to think at a higher financial level. 

Since the channels of time, love, and money are all blocked by self worth, any work you do in one department will open up the other two.

In The Ritual we target self worth through the money channel.
Expect miracles.

You’ve been taught to settle for less, and we are here to help you settle for more.

When you’ve accrued a lot of toxins in the body after years of unchecked habits, you do a detox. 

When was the last time you did a mental detox?


"I just purchased The Ritual and yes I'm a multi six figure entrepreneur, but it was calling me. And let me tell you, it is everything! [love the way you teach and how real you are. And you have me cracking up during the Kriya. Which by the way I'm only on day 2 and Ive already received an unexpected check in the mail!!! This shit works no matter what level you are. Struggling and just starting out or already making millions. This is the foundation and toolbox for financial success. i've done lot of money programs and this one by far surpasses them all so far. Thank you so much."


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The Ritual works for someone who has zero experience with money mindset, OR someone who has enough experience with money to know you have to get mental tune ups, and you’re never DONE working on your money mindset.

A sourdough starter needs to be fed, and your mindset needs to be fed to make sure it’s up to date.

We stopped doing this for a couple years because discipline is hard, and quitting is easy. We noticed that our income halved the first year, and halved again the second year. The year we started up again, we quadrupled back to our start, and aim to do so again this year. We’ll never shirk our money responsibility again!

The Ritual was originally called Breaking Broke 2.0, an update to my first-level workshop, Breaking Broke, but we changed it because the level of thinking that needs to leave broke behind is very different from the mind that needs to increase wealth. It’s a completely different strategy, and completely new content.


The Ritual is a 40 day brainwashing, rooted in high magic, that detoxes you from the low self worth, poverty mindset into the confident, driven, wealth mindset.

In order to do this we need three things: education, discipline, and ritual. 

For education, you’re getting an incisive, targeted three-minute lesson designed to uproot the old mindset and install a new one. We have a chat room on our utterly private app, Safehouse Global, specifically for sharing your homework and a-ha’s. Do not underestimate how much you’ll learn from watching others (and US!) dislodge their blocks. 

For discipline, you’re going to show up every day for forty days working your mind with meditation, your body with workouts, and your bank account. We are rock solid about this 40 days straight. If you have follow-through issues, laziness, or lack of motivation, you should definitely do this, but know that it will be the end of said issues. If you miss a day, you have to double up the next day. If you miss two lessons, you have to start over. We also encourage you to start eating habits based on your human design determination. This is unique and potent to each person.

For ritual, this forty day course follows the signature, ten-step, ritual magic process that backs all of my workshops and guarantees results for those who do the work. Additionally, we are doing a highly specific, ancient wealth kriya that I’ve been teaching since 2016 that has worked “like magic” for over 900 students. It is said that “even if it was written in the book of fate that you would remain poor, the Jupiter kriya would break it.”


Also included in your Safehouse subscription.

Learn more about Safehouse here


Every day for forty days you’ll get a fresh 20 minute meditation.

Every day, on our private app, you will get one short financial lesson to absorb and take with you throughout the day. We encourage you to make sure the work is not just given, but received and sprouted by chatting with us about the lesson in our chat. There are clear prompts for every single lesson, and even drafting one sentence about what you learned anchors it into your mind for good. Our app is a safe and private space. Use any name you want. If you delete your account when you’re done, every post you made in our community will be deleted as well. Your secrets are safe, that’s why we built an app, and called it Safehouse.

Additionally, every day you are STRONGLY encouraged to do a workout, at least 20 minutes. There are no days off, but we have a restorative yoga day, and a Qi Gong day every weekend. For the first round, we shot our own workouts and shared with you. For this round, we like working out harder than we push ourselves, so come to the Workouts chat to see what YouTube video we did every day, as well as share your own. Do you teach and want our group to come to your class? That’s a great idea. We have space for that.

Within One Day
After watching the free Masterclass, if you take action, you will no longer be blocked in the 7 main regions of money.

Within One Week
You will no longer feel ashamed of your wealth goals and requirements.

Within Two Weeks
You will start to see the world through a different lens and demand more. You will notice a difference in your body, mind, and bank account depending on how quickly you got to work. 

Within Four Weeks
Your strategic business ideas will start to come through, which is the real meal ticket. Other people will notice the difference in your body and mind. You will feel so good you’ll want to quit because you think you’re peaking, you’re not yet.

By the Sixth Week

You are the proud owner of a wealth mindset, and SO ready to get to work. You spot the poverty mindset everywhere. You’ve outgrown relationships. You know what you’re doing next and you know exactly how you’ll keep the momentum going. You never want to take a break from working your money mindset again. You know what your year is going to look like strategically, and you are chomping at the bit to get going. 


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Payment Plan: 183 x 3

Also included in your Safehouse subscription.

Learn more about Safehouse here


  • Shut the fuck up and do it scared.

  • It’s a magical process, so results are guaranteed if you do the work. The problem with the poverty mindset is that one week in you’ll get all panicked because you invested in yourself and you don’t think you’re worth it and you’re not used to discipline. You’ll try to quit because you don’t understand that this shift will be responsible for making you hundreds of thousands of dollars in your lifetime. Do it or don’t do it, but scared money doesn’t win, and we aren’t enabling your low self worth here. No refunds. This is wealth work, not the home shopping network.

  • You sure can. Even the kriya can be done as a meditation (I’ve done this in many a vehicle), and if you visualize correctly, it will be extremely challenging and you’ll sweat. If you have a physical condition, or you’re having a low energy pregnancy, you can substitute your workout for any other practice. The human design eating recommendations are safe and unique to each person, and can be particularly beneficial with nausea and heartburn in pregnancy.

  • The kriya is Kundalini, which I proudly stole from Yogi Bhajan and teach in an unorthodox way, focusing just on what I know works and eliminating what isn’t necessary to someone who isn’t devoted to the path. No teacher is perfect, all teachers are human. The ability to take what works from a teacher with gratitude and sideline what doesn’t without criticism or resentment is the mark of a dedicated teacher.