

If you’ve finally admitted to yourself that you want widespread recognition for your talent and efforts NOW, this is for you.

If you are sick of inconsistent income and the terror/elation swing of being your own boss, this is for you.

If you wish you had a Kris Jenner level momager in your corner, this is for you.


payment plan available

Also included in your Safehouse subscription

Learn more about Safehouse here


Things do not GET successful. They’re MADE successful. The divide between your unique talents and the recognition you deserve is YOUR responsibility

Are you ready to do the work required of you to be successful? 

Are you ready to control your income?

Are you ready to stop shrinking and speak up?


The Method Is Simple, and It’s Guaranteed. It’s not just a marketing method, like all my teachings it’s straight up, ancient magic.


Follow the OBJECTIVE, ten-step strategy to become authentic on the inside

First you have to KNOW yourself, your REAL self. We do this in steps 1-3. 

Once you KNOW who you are, you have to TRUST who that self is. These are steps 3-6

Once you TRUST yourself, you can BE that self publicly, and trust that it’s enough.These are steps 6-10.

 Tada! You are authentic on the inside, but now…


Follow the OBJECTIVE, ten-step strategy to making authentic money on the outside.

First you have to accept that no one is coming to save you, that you want this, and that you’ll do the required work to make yourself successful. 

Once you’ve accepted what you actually want, you need to develop your irresistible offer. These are steps 1-4.

Now that you have your offer, you need to learn how to make people fall in love with it. These are steps 5-7.

We do this work simultaneously.
One inner lesson,
one outer lesson.


payment plan available

Also included in your Safehouse subscription

Learn more about Safehouse here


Lesson One: Point Zero

  • Your vanilla.

  • Your Story

  • Aligning your message to your life.

  • The function of launching

  • Cold, Warm, Hot audiences

  • Active, Passive, and Neutral Income.

  • Active passive and neutral time

HD: recap so far

Lesson Two: Point One

  • Customer Avatar 

  • Marketing Funnels 

  • Line of Supervision

  • Natural Marketing, Seed Launching

  • Levels of consciousness 

HD:    Trajectory 

Lesson Three: Point Two

  • SEO 

  • Keywords

  • Platforms

  • Evergreen Platforms

  • Additional education you’ll need

HD: messaging

Lesson Four: Point Three

  • You are a teacher.


  • Your Core Offer

  • Pricing: One

HD: circuitry

Lesson Five: Point Four

  • Market Research 

  • Pricing Two

  • Limitations and Boundaries

  • Sales Triggers

  • Intimacy 1

HD: culture 

Lesson Six: Point Five

  • Building out the Launch 

  • Example Sales Pages

  • Example Checkout

  • Launch Email Outline

  • Social Media Strategy

  • Launch Deadline and Mise En Place List

  • Youtube, Newsletter Nurturing, Sign Up Form, Automation, Sales Page, Social Media Strategy, Bio

HD: money keys, money blocks

Lesson Seven: Point Six

  • Seen and Heard

  • Marketing Dialogue

  • Intimacy 2

HD: orientation

Lesson Eight: Point Seven

  • Letting the launch launch

  • Closing the sale

  • Active surrender

  • Best way to release attachment

HD: eating

Lesson Nine: Point Eight

  • LTV

  • Metrics that matter

  • Data

  • Conversions

HD: nodes

Lesson Ten: Point Nine

The Relaunch. 

HD: The Pearl


Your income is inconsistent, and you really want to change that.

You’ve done a ton of launches, and they’re absolutely exhausting OR

You’ve never done a launch before, or even heard of it.

You’re uncertain about your core offer, or why it’s not converting.

You KNOW your work is valuable, so why aren’t you getting paid. 

You don’t want to have a boss ever again.

People say “why aren’t you famous?” or “why isn’t this viral” about you and your message.

If you are totally DONE with waiting for the success Gods to smile upon you, and ready to take action, this is for you.

This workshop will make you an expert at representing the most important person in your life. Yourself. 

Get the FREE eBOOK, plus an invite to an exclusive Q&A

BUY NOW $899

Also included in your Safehouse subscription

Learn more about Safehouse here

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