Q: What’s your opinion on having to be in love with every product/service/business you do? There are ideas I have for business, but the product itself is whatever to me.

A: You have to be in love with the problem you’re solving and be really excited to solve it for that person. This is why I always start with a customer avatar. You can get this worksheet in the business resources, it’s also in Fuckless, either Lesson Two or Three.

 Bonus Link

Bonus Link to Tiktok: Love in Every Product


Q: I realized when I wanted to claim my birthright I didn’t want to do it. I still did it and the Kriya. I feel myself not really claiming it if it makes sense.


Q: I did a pain killer for saying goodbye to being broke and a question came up. What do we do with friends and family that we follow on Instagram but are broke and uninspiring people?