The Dangers of Using Black, White, and Red Magic for Money

what happens when you use Black, White, and Red Magic for wealth and it all goes wrong...

It was 2021, I was dabbling in Tantra again...

And it got as sloppy as it ever does. My esoteric teacher friends and I always laugh at the Tantra trap and how it's so damn appetizing! Like "do whatever you want, there's no bad things, experience everything fully" - it SHOULD work. Every time you mentally run through it it seems like it should totally check out, but when you practice it you realize there's missing pieces.

Tantra alone, the way you'll read about it, is red magic. Thats why they wore red at Rajneeshpurim, Osho's Antelope Valley "ashram". I fuck with Osho, I just know how to do it in moderation now. 

Tantra isn't white magic, and it isn't black magic. It's red. You need all three kinds of magic, here's a diagram on that.

There are three primary forms of magic. If you master these you can study sex magic effectively. You can learn more on this at front page.

So the issue with red magic on it's own is they say "surrender everything", and it really seems like it "should" work! But if you surrender white magic, you have no plan. If you surrender black magic, you have no discipline. 

A well constructed magical process, and I am an expert in this, will start with white magic. White magic is WILL. Kundalini yoga is a good example of this. Kundalini yoga says "just POWER THROUGH ON HIGH VIBRATIONS", and if it's not working, go harder on the will. Wake up earlier, wear more WHITE, take cold showers. 

White magic doesn't work on it's own because it's not taking limitations and fears into consideration, aka black magic. And it's not taking sacrifice, red magic, into consideration. If white magic worked on it's own, Yogi Bhajan wouldn't have needed to supplement the prosperity rituals with toner scams. I've learned a lot from YB, but I've also learned a lot from YB mistakes. If you can't accept that a guru makes mistakes, you're either resentful of the kool aid you already drank, or still drinking it. If you're looking for a perfect teacher, they do not exist.

Steal everything you can from a teacher and move on with gratitude.  You can't repay a teacher in 10,000 lifetimes.

by the way, if you're like "wahhh black magic is a racist term" you're first going to want to google "alchemical terms" and you'll find the world of albedo, rubedo, nigredo, citrinitas. Second of all I get this ALL the time and it has never once come from a POC. It has always been white women insisting "black magic" is racist, which is clearly a personal projection.


this email is brought to you by the most common money blocks everyone gets. If you lack discipline and need a wake up call you must watch this video. 

Now if you were doing black magic on your own for wealth, you'd be trying to control your bank account without a specific strategy. This would usually involve attempting to manipulate other people, other industries to work in your favor. The shitty thing about this is that it does always work the first time, because most things do work the first time, accidentally. Whether you call it the sophomore slump, second album or second book syndrome, this is all pointing at the same spiritual law.

That law is "wherever reason occurs on accident, it destroys itself"

so for example, lets say you did some random ritual and your debut album did really well. Or maybe something manifested. Now, the reason the album did really well, or your wish manifested, was due to timing and other factors you were unaware of, cannot repeat, and had nothing to do with the ritual

so when it comes time to do your follow up to that, you're like "la di da" I'll just make this work, do this little ritual and poof! and it doesn't work.

The worst part of all of this is that you get such a mammoth ego from the first success because you think you did it, and that you're way more talented than you thought. The second attempt puts you in your place, but most people never realize what's happening. They just try to do the ritual "better" next time. The success happened on accident, and by law it is destroying itself. The law is the law, and you have to learn how to succeed ON PURPOSE.  You'll need all three kinds of magic.

Black magic without white magic has no direction, so it doesn't work. Black magic without red magic believes it's in control, and it's not. Black magic is here to teach you SELF control, but you're not in control of others, so at some point if you're serious about magic, you'll start looking into diversifying your magical portfolio. 

Aleister Crowley is a good example of someone who went black magic only. He died alone, extremely broke, and addicted to heroin.

But I had fucked up in 2021 and 2022 on Red Magic. 

I was researching for my workshop on Sex Magic, which is Erotic Wealth (Autoerotic for singles), and at the time I was under the impression that Tantric sex magic was the only sex magic. It's not, every lineage has some form of it.

Tantra is BYOB, bring your own boundaries, and you're not meant to mess with it if you're not experienced in white and black magic.

I decided to really devote myself to the "the only rule is no rules" Tantric philosophy. I wanted to abandon all the rules and rituals I had put on myself, including the annual wealth ritual that had worked really well for me.

These next things are the things I laugh about with other teachers that have fallen into the Tantra trap...

I discussed polyamory with my husband and started exploring it, I almost started drinking again on my five year sober anniversary. I was smoking tons of weed and would have happily done any other drug you sent my way, as amorality is truly one of my greatest assets. I unwittingly set black magic into its wrong position and was behaving VERY poorly.

I stopped my wealth ritual and my income halved and then halved again.

from 500k in 2020+ to 300k in 2021, and then down to 175k in 2022. 

When I realized, at the end of December 2022 what had happened, I was quick to fix it. It was literally the 28th of December and I knew what I had to do. I started the Ritual with my husband, THAT day. Within two weeks, we had built an app, launched our school, and were 14 days into an annual strategy that would REALLY challenge us. It's December 7th, and we're at 380k. Not bad for a "build" year with no ads, before the December sweep up.

and oh yeah, we bought a house.

I REALLY, REALLY want to show you what's possible when you work hard on money for 40 days, using all three kinds of magic. I want to show you what's possible when you use everything available to you to RECEIVE the income and more important, the strategy you need to create new wealth, not just dislodge stuck money.

I'm teaching a masterclass on this on 12/18 and I really don't want you to miss this.  Here's the link you need to sign up. I'll send you a reminder and a replay.

We'll discuss a little bit more the pitfalls of using Black, White, and Red magic to create wealth, and your entire spiritual practice is going to shift.


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